AML in Crypto: A beginners Guide

As of January 2022, more than 300 million people are using blockchain-based cryptocurrencies worldwide, and over 18,000 businesses accept cryptocurrency payments. According to market experts, the blockchain’s market could grow from $3 billion in 2020 to $39.7 billion by the end of 2025. The meteoric rise of cryptoassets has brought with it a new outlet […]

The 5th Money Laundering Directive – Transposition into Irish Law

The Criminal Justice Act (CJA) 2021 became effective on 23rd April 2021 with the transposition of the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (5MLD) into Irish Law. This blog seeks to look at the changes 5MLD will now have on Irish firms and how they can overcome the challenges which may be presented in the transition period. What significant […]

What does 5MLD mean for cryptocurrency firms?

Entering into force in July 2018 after political agreement was reached by the EU Parliament, the Council and the Commission, the EU’s Fifth Money Laundering Directive (5MLD) is intended to be transposed into applicable national law no later than 10th January 2020.   The UK implemented 5MLD through the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2019 (MLRs 2019) for the purpose of ensuring that […]

5MLD – What are the key changes in the Fifth Money Laundering Directive?

Her Majesty’s Treasury published a consultation paper on the UK’s transposition efforts relating to the EU’s 5th Money Laundering Directive (5MLD) earlier this year. The Directive will come into force on 10th January 2020 and contains enhancements to the existing provisions as mandated by the EU’s 4th Money Laundering Directive (4MLD) which was implemented in the UK through […]