2024 Regulatory Outlook Report: The Key Trends Shaping Ireland’s Payment and E-money Sector

The regulatory landscape for payment and e-money institutions is in a state of flux in 2024. The Central Bank of Ireland has a raft of requirements with which all authorised firms must comply, while these same firms wrestle with the backdrop of a challenging economic environment. This report brings together insights from an event where […]
How fscom’s distinct location and expertise helps firms to navigate compliance challenges in the UK, Ireland and the EU

The UK and Ireland are home to many of the leading players across financial services and fintech. One of the main reasons for this is that the Financial Conduct Authority and the Central Bank of Ireland have devoted payments and e-money authorisation and supervision teams that understand the fintech ecosystem and the impact of regulation […]
The 5th Money Laundering Directive – Transposition into Irish Law

The Criminal Justice Act (CJA) 2021 became effective on 23rd April 2021 with the transposition of the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (5MLD) into Irish Law. This blog seeks to look at the changes 5MLD will now have on Irish firms and how they can overcome the challenges which may be presented in the transition period. What significant […]