A large payment service provider dealing with international remittance.
The objective of the project was to provide the client with the expertise and boutique knowledge of a senior compliance associate within the firm. The engagement was to develop a more mature and robust 3 lines of defence model with clear lines of accountability.
Approach to engaging with the client
Typical of rapidly expanding businesses, the framework for a solid 3 lines of defence model was not mature enough to support the business in its next phase. The client identified the need for external resource to compliment and assist in accelerating its growth whilst having a robust financial crime framework in place.
Our solution following in-depth discussion with the client’s senior management, was to supply full time senior experienced AML expertise onsite at the client’s location. Clear deliverables and objectives were agreed and delivered upon within expected timeframe.
The client was provided with a senior compliance associate for a 3 month period, the associate provided expert knowledge to the firm during his interim role within the firm and provided and applied industry best practice to enhance the firm’s internal policies and procedures.