
Regulatory Training

As financial regulation evolves and becomes even more complex, our experience has taught us that the most important way you can ensure you are complying to the best of your ability is in adequately training your staff.


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We thrive on transferring our knowledge to compliance teams. Our trainers are professional presenters who employ interactive techniques such as case studies, real life examples and scenarios to deliver compliance training in the most practical way possible.

As well as doing this as part of larger projects, we also do this more formally through bespoke in-house training courses specific to the company’s requirements as well as public training forums such as our Regbites.

Our regulatory training courses include but are not limited to:
  1. SM&CR – Senior Managers and Certification Regime
  2. Conduct of business rules and how to treat customers fairly
  3. Complaints Handling Training
  4. Payments and Compliance Training
  5. The payment services regime
  6. The electronic money regime
  7. Regulated FX products
  8. Regulatory reporting, including COREP
  9. CASS training
  10. Safeguarding
  11. Corporate governance
  12. ICAAP preparation

All participants receive certificates of attendance on completion of the course.

As a result of our subject matter expert training, you and your team will be suitably upskilled in the requirements of their roles and have the confidence to use the received training within their day to day roles.

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    Get started today

    If you are looking for highly qualified compliance trainers to deliver a bespoke training course to you and your team, contact us today for a free no obligation quotation.

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